The Sims 4 on Console: Multiplayer, Controls, and More (Q&A)

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Senior Producer, Michael Duke, has answered some important Sims 4 Console questions over at the PS4 Blog. Below you can find answers to everything from whether the game will be multiplayer, to answers on direct control vs point and click.

Question – Will it be multiplayer? Even if it’s 2-player on free play mode I would be content! I loved Sims Bustin’ Out and Sims 2 for that very reason!

Answer – The Sims 4 is single player.


Question – How will this work with all of the expansion and stuff packs that are currently on PC? Will they be up for download at the same price at some point?

Answer – We are still working through what packs to bring over when. We should have more news in the future. I would love to hear from players about what they want to see first.


Question – Yay, always preferred playing Sims on console, although i do have to ask what kind of support will PS4 Pro have? Personally id prefer something like say Ni-Oh, where we have the option to pick between resolution or performance. Also it sounds like we can expect stuff and expansion packs on consoles now?

Answer – The Ni-Oh suggestion is a great idea, thx! As for DLC, our plan is to port the content over, but I don’t have details on the what and when just yet. We are working on it.


Question – Wonder how the loading times are for Sims on console…

Answer – It is a priority for me as well. In the end you guys are the judge. I will be curious to hear what folks think after getting hands on at Gamescom next month.


Question – A question that has probably been sent to Maxis thousands of times by now, but, will the console port have direct control like sims 2 on the ps2 had, or just point and click? It’s a feature I miss from Sims2 and I’m sure many people would love to have that back.

Answer – We debated direct control. In the end, we felt the point and click version did a better job of enabling the gameplay that makes the Sims 4 great.


Question – There is only ONE thing that would make me consider getting/buying a SIMs game.. and thats if they were online “open world” i.e I have my Sims in my house.. if I leave my house and go to a next door neighbors house. That house belongs to another actual real life player and HIS/HER Sims, and the same for most if not all the other houses on the block. until then.. I dont care.

Answer – The Sims 4 on Console is not open world. That said, you may enjoy our newest mobile game once it launches:


Question – I was waiting for a PS4/XONE version of the game until 2014 because the game doesn’t run well on my PC, I’m just so happy! I’m going to pre order the game but i have a few questions about the game: Will the game have the same control and interface of PC version? Will the game run at a stable framerate? And the last question is about the graphics of the game…What is the configuration of the graphics on PC respect to the console version?

Answer – We have not finalized controls yet, still iterating. We are hard at work on performance to achieve our goal of making the best Sims Console game ever. As for Graphics, is is too soon for me to guarantee something, but we have a lot of ambition on that front. 🙂
