Origin Update: May 8th, 2018

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There’s a new update available in Origin: Version – 0

Version 10.5.18

  • Are you an Origin Access member? Would you like to know that there is a higher edition of one of your games in The Vault? Yeah, we thought you might, so we fixed a problem that caused our “Oh hey, you can upgrade your game” messages to disappear.
  • We’ve made some site stability improvements so now when a web browser process crashes it won’t take Origin In-Game navigation out with it. Yay stability!
  • If you signed into Origin recently with a 4K resolution display you may have asked yourself questions like, “Where has the navigation gone?” and “Why is everything so big?” Turns out our system was accidentally doubling up on zoom, so we dialed that back to normal and quietly filed away our plans to design and build a shrink ray…for now.
