The Sims 4 on Xbox & PlayStation 4: New Game Patch (July 19th, 2018)

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There’s a Sims 4 update available for players on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. To check out all patch notes and updates for The Sims 4 on console, be sure to bookmark our console patch archives.

Update: 07/19/2018 – v1.07

Hello Simmers!

What a summer! As you may have heard, we have been hard at work preparing for the arrival of our fluffy companions in Cats & Dogs. We haven’t stopped there though, we have added Households, Lots and Rooms created by members of The Sims 4 Community into My Library and continued to make a number of performance improvements. Of course, we have been gathering and addressing your feedback and reports too.

Rather than giving you a high-level version of what you can expect how about I just tell you.

What’s New?

  • Performance improvements mean that you should be able to get into your Worlds quicker, loading times will be shorter and things will be smoother.
  • The Auto Save feature had been a little too temperamental for our liking so we have reviewed the feature and made improvements to the way it works so it is more reliable.
  • My Library expanded with creations from The Sims 4 Community. The new additions bring Households, Lots and Rooms.
  • We have also added the Piece of Cake Bakery which you may remember from the Get to Work announcement trailer.
  • We often get requests for features and one of the biggest requests has been to have the option to scale your roofs. We heard you and we added the feature into Build Mode.

General Issues

  • Manage Households was a little lacking in the managing part of the name by preventing you from deleting households. You can delete households you don’t need or want any more and truly manage households as you would expect.
  • If you max out your My Library storage you’ll be informed when you try to save more creations rather than finding out they silently disappeared.
  • Cursor speed and acceleration settings no longer reset after restarting the game.
  • While using the virtual cursor control scheme, the acceleration could feel like you were chasing an excited puppy around your lot. We got things under control and switching directions as you navigate the Lot shouldn’t feel so skittish. Remember, you can adjust speed and acceleration in the Game Options to get the feel you prefer.
  • The camera shouldn’t lose function when toggling bb.moveobjects in Build Mode
  • Trying to use the Virtual Cursor to live-drag from your inventory shouldn’t feel like a never-ending chore. Now it is as simple as select and drag, just like it should be.
  • Don’t you just hate it when you finish loading only to be told that there is “Game Loading In Progress” when it looks like it has finished? Us too! When a lot has loaded, it is loaded and ready to go, just like it should be.
  • Placing a Styled Room from My Library shouldn’t stop your controls from working as expected.
  • Sometimes you don’t have room in your lot to place a staircase before rotating it, now you can rotate stairs into the orientation you want without having to place them first.
  • Stairs aren’t the only thing you can rotate without placing them either, you can now rotate whole empty rooms and even walls before deciding where you want them.
  • Simmers who use the Virtual Cursor control scheme rejoice as the Pin/Unpin Whim option is now open to you.
  • Virtual Cursor controls have been tweaked, adjusted and tweaked again so now you don’t continue to accelerate and zip around the screen uncontrollably. Switching directions you take the Virtual Cursor in will drop the acceleration to ¼ of what it was so you have more control of where you go.
  • Changing your mind and re-doing something is part of getting your perfect Sim in CAS. If you do change your mind, we won’t put you into an invisible UI anymore, I promise.
  • Cell phones are a lifeline for a lot of people and Sims aren’t any different. We spent a lot of time getting them set up with more reliable service so the cell phone works when it is needed and doesn’t stay on screen when it isn’t.
  • Occasionally, the camera momentum made it difficult to have precise navigation. We’ve made a few passes at improving the camera movement to make is easier to navigate the lot.
  • Cancelling Save and Play while in CAS isn’t possible anymore. If you did this previously, you might want to check My Library as you might have multiple versions of your Households that you might want to tidy up.
  • Family is key and if you have babies you’ll know how precious they can be. That is why switching Sims now acts like it should if you have any in your household.

Get to Work

  • Returning to active lot will no longer spam the action queue while you are at work in the scientist career.
  • The returning to active lot interaction won’t queue and cancel repeatedly if you decide to idle in the alien world.
  • In the videos out of Roswell they got up close with an Alien and now you can too while creating an Alien in CAS. Like other Sims, you can switch to detail edit mode and get closer to the extra-terrestrial Sims.
  • Ever visit a new place only to think that it feels familiar but not quite right in some way? That happened to us when visiting Sixam and realizing that it didn’t look as we expected so we got the ground crew in and updated the place.


  • Receiving a welcome phone call from Vlad can be exciting, I mean, how often do you get a phone call from a vampire? Getting this unique call shouldn’t stop your controls from functioning so we addressed that.

Dine Out

  • Canceling object placement of objects selected through Lot Type requirements will no longer put you into one of those super-secret areas in the UI.
  • Editing an employee uniform won’t send your controls across the screen no matter how your employees feel about their new uniform design.

City Living

  • When you load into San Myshuno the virtual cursor shouldn’t get stuck. It used to, but now it doesn’t.
  • If you are lucky enough to get an invite to a festival but unlucky enough to have a parent chance card appear at the same time you’ll be happy to know that you’ll keep control of your World and Sims.

PlayStation 4

  • Pressing X should work when you need it most… When you press the X button.
  • Improvements to the way My Library saves means you should have more space for your creations.
  • Celebrate good times but come on, we don’t need to see the pack celebration screens over and over. They should only show the once now and viewed new Objects shouldn’t reset to look like everything is new again.
  • When you select Save Household you expect the household to be saved, right? Thought so, now your Saved Households will save to My Library as you would expect.
  • If you chose to change your Display Settings, the virtual cursor won’t be prevented from accessing all of the UI if you opt to display things smaller.
  • The Action Queue is meant to expand to fit in all the queued actions, that is how we came up with the name. What it shouldn’t do and doesn’t do anymore is expand to the top of the screen just because you chose to speed up time.
  • Travel and romance are two of life’s luxuries. That is unless you managed to have “Travel” queue up after performing the “Ask on Date” interaction. Then you just had a mini nightmare because you found yourself stuck in Manage World. We released the controls from the UI and now you can take your date globetrotting without the worry of getting stuck looking at where you could have visited.

Xbox One

  • They say that good things come to those who wait. We don’t like waiting so we have improved the loading times so that you shouldn’t see an extended loading screen before getting into game.
  • Styled Room showcases will align correctly if you adjust your margins settings.
  • Does a Sim have an aura? Well they might but it shouldn’t have been as prominent as it was, so we turned down the highlighting of Sims so it isn’t as distracting anymore.

That isn’t it either, we took a look at what was happening on the PC and Mac versions of The Sims 4 and brought over changes and updates to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions.


