The Sims 4: Self-Employed, Tutorial Update, UI Changes, & More (November Game Patch)

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With new information released today on the Sims 4 Get Famous Sims Camp event, many of the attendees have given up information regarding the upcoming November game patch. Below is a list of confirmed content coming with the November patch.

Terrain Manipulation – The Sims team has already confirmed this feature some time ago, but we now have some additional info bits from attendees. Some of what is mentioned is that Sims will be able to go uphill if the terrain isn’t too steep, and after having some hands on time with the game, DotSim states that the tools are very easy to use.



Style Influencer Career – Yet another feature announced some time ago, this new career will allow Sims to work from home or head off into a rabbit hole.


New Game TutorialDot Sim confirmed the Sims 4 will be receiving a brand new game tutorial that includes a narrator who dives deep into the features of the game. This option can be turned off at any time, and will greet you at the start of your new game.


UI ChangesDot Sim confirmed the game patch will also bring some UI changes to the game. Aspirations in CAS will now be square instead of circular, and the magnifying glass has been replaced with a “car” icon when zooming out in the game.



Self-EmploymentVixella has confirmed in her overview video that the patch will add the ability for Sims to register a custom careers, aka: self-employment. The way it works is Sims will select the new “Register with Ministry of Labor” interaction on their cell phone, & fill in the blanks on the pop up that appears. There are no specific skills or actions tied to these careers, but it does allow your Sims to “freelance” and not be labeled unemployed.


World Selection MenuDot Sim has confirmed that the world selector menu is getting a much needed upgrade as well. The world icons will be decreased in size to allow for a better overview of the worlds.


First Person Camera Mode – The Sims team announced the first person camera mode at the November 6th Maxis Monthly.


