Origin Update: March 7th, 2019

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There’s a new update available in Origin: Version – 0

Version 10.5.35

  • All Origin Access members can now receive gifted DLC from friends, family, significant others, BFFs, interdimensional beings and class V or lower spectral entities.
  • We slayed the beast blocking players from completing their purchase of the Ultima Online King’s Collection Theme Pack after placing the DLC in their carts.
  • The Final Hours DLC no longer directs players to the main Origin Titanfall homepage and now appears in players’ libraries upon being purchased or added.
  • We fixed the crossed wires causing lapsed offers to remain visible and linking to 404 error pages upon being clicked.
  • You’re supposed to play hide and seek with your friends, not downloadable content. The Final Hours DLC will now appear in players’ libraries after adding Titanfall Deluxe Edition through their Origin Access membership.
  • We’ve put the release dates and times for upcoming titles back on their respective description pages, so you don’t have to glean into your crystal balls anymore for info. Psychic hotlines can be expensive!
  • We fixed an issue with the Origin/DownloadCache folder preventing some users from installing games.
  • FIFA 18 and FIFA 19 points no longer appear duplicated in the Virtual Currency section of your game.
  • We fixed an issue preventing the “Most Popular” sorting option from working on the Lunar New Year 2019 and Sims Anniversary Sale 2019 deals pages.
  • We fixed an issue causing party invites to be automatically rejected if not answered in time. Now your buddies won’t feel spurned and need a hug because you were in the middle of something and couldn’t accept the request fast enough.
  • There was an unexpected side effect to Wraith’s interdimensional teleporting causing Apex Legends articles to not appear. A little tachyon insulation fixed the issue just fine.
