The Sims 4: New Game Patch (April 16th, 2019)

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There’s a new Sims 4 PC update available via Origin. If you have auto updates enabled in “Application Settings”, the game will auto-update once you open Origin. If you have auto-updates disabled, you will need to manually update by clicking the game in your library.

To ensure your game is up to date, check the game version found in Documents > EA > The Sims 4 > GameVersion.txt. Your game should now read: PC / Mac If you’ve updated but it’s not showing the correct version, delete the GameVersion.txt file, restart, and all will be corrected.


Remove all MODS and Custom Content before updating your game

UPDATE: 4/16/2019 – PC / Mac

Happy April, Simmers. Nice to meet you! Maxis hired me as a freelance writer to work on these game update notes. (Side note — if you find a problem, blame SimGuruGraham — he’s my editor.) In all honesty, it’s a pretty sweet gig. I got to see the new Expansion Pack, Game Pack, and Stuff Pack that the team is working on, and did you know that they bring in bagels on Fridays? But hey, enough about me. Being a freelancer, I’ll be gone again before you know it.

Anyway, funny coincidence; there’s actually a brand-new Freelancer career arriving in this update that’s free for all players. I was playing around with it earlier, and go figure… my Sim self earns more money as a freelance writer than I do! Geez; guess I’ll have to live out my fantasies of getting rich through The Sims again. Looking beyond the new, free features though, I’ve got to say… those SimGurus really knocked it out of the park with this one. Just look at all those lovely fixes to many of the top discussed community issues!

Well, let’s get to it, shall we? Here’s everything you’ll find in this April update. Have fun!

Yours truly,
Sue D. Nym Freelance Writer Extraordinaire


Freelancer Career

Freelancer is a brand-new type of career. Sims can choose to be a Freelance Artist, Programmer, or Writer, and will work through an agency that will connect them with a variety of gigs. Unlike other careers, there’s no defined work schedule to worry yourself over. Need some extra Simoleons? Smash through a few gigs in a single day and get paid! Need some time off? No problem – plenty of gigs will be waiting for you when you’re ready to get back to work. Your office is wherever you want it to be. Perhaps a quiet corner in the local library, or maybe you’d prefer a home office decked out in the new set of office furniture? You’re your own boss, so the choice is yours! Completion of gigs across the different agencies will lead to a variety of rewards, and ever-increasing pay. Really, it’s the best Sims career Maxis has ever made. [Sue, please… remove this. No editorializing. – SimGuruGraham]


New Objects

This free set of home office furniture and decor is ideal for your burgeoning Freelancer Sims!

  • Bookcase: Edgier LadderCase
  • Desk: Anglette Desk
  • Desk Chair: The Professional
  • End Table: A Cute Anglette
  • Decor: Not So Simple Pen Holder
  • Decor: Hand Reference Model
  • Decor: Robo, The Friendly Circuitry Kit
  • Decor: The Note Book
  • Laptop: FreeRoam Portable Computing Device
  • Wall Decor: Better As A Pair Of Paintings
  • Wall Decor: Supreme Freelancer Award

New Clothing

Freelancers tend to want comfy, but professional outfits. We’ve got them covered with the following new pieces of clothing.

  • Women
    • A cable knit cardigan outfit
    • A sweater and skirt outfit
    • A layered sweater
    • A pair of flats
  • Men
    • A collared sweater
    • A button up shirt
    • A crewneck sweater
    • A pair of drawstring pants


In collaboration with Moschino, your Sims can now enjoy an item from the Moschino X The Sims Capsule Collection. The new Freezer Bunny hoodie can be found in the Create a Sim catalog.

Immaculate White Shelf

I could have buried this down in the Fixes & Updates section, but… it’s kind of a big deal. There’s now a plain white version of “The Immaculate” shelf available in Buy Mode!

  • [Note to self: Sue seemed super excited about this. It sure seems like something we should do more of… – SimGuruGraham]



The Sims 4

  • Sims will travel to the correct venue when invited out to an event by a NPC Sim.
  • Fixed an issue where the UI would occasionally indicate that a Sim was at work, when they were actually at home, which would block access to the Sim’s inventory.
    • Note: If a save file created prior to this update contains a Sim that’s already in this bad state, simply traveling to another lot with that Sim will permanently fix this issue.
  • Sims will no longer receive random phone calls from other Sims between the hours of 8pm and 10am, allowing them to enjoy a full – and speedy – night’s sleep.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple music tracks could end up looping and playing simultaneously.
  • Expecting parents will once again be able to “Take Family Leave” via their phone to take time off from work.
  • Fixed an issue where a Sim who had cheated with another Sim romantically, were then unable to successfully propose to that Sim and get married.
  • Fixed an issue where Sims in the eSport Gamer branch of the Tech Guru career were not earning money when programming video games.
  • The Pick Up Serving Together interaction will no longer cause one of the Sims involved to fail to route to the food.
  • Fixed an issue where interactions on the Digitalistic Sketchpad object would disappear if a Sim’s actions were canceled while they were picking up the Digitalistic Sketchpad.
  • Updated the Digitalistic Sketchpad object so that creating paintings on it will satisfy Aspiration goals and work tasks that involve painting.
  • Fixed an issue with the Lin-Z Smart Speaker, where the interaction to hire a Gardener would remain unselectable, even when the home had a garden that needed tending.
  • Sims will now look at the Lin-Z Smart Speaker when speaking to it.
  • The “Pre-Owned Painter’s Easel”, that’s unlocked via the Painter career, will now provide an Inspirational emotional aura, instead of a Focused emotional aura.
  • Fixed an issue where staircases were not rendering properly while held by a mouse cursor.
  • Updated positioning of overlapping Search & Reset buttons in a player’s catalog within the Gallery.
  • Adjusted icons of Lunar New Year recipes to better display what food you’re looking at within an inventory.
  • The children’s Yin & Yang Necklace will no longer clip into their neck when wearing a shirt that’s tucked in.
  • The “CleanRoom” wall pattern, which was previously missing a name for its 5th color variant, has now had that specific color variant named “Like Sand”.
    • As far as I’m aware, this is the only instance in the game where a color variant has been given a unique name. Huh… neat!
  • Added the ability to click through different pack art on the main menu for any of the packs you currently have installed.
  • A new content alert icon has been added to individual careers within the Select a Career panel, to help players find new careers that have been added to their game.


  • Fixed an issue for Mac users with Intel integrated graphics, where the mouse cursor would not move properly after adjusting the shape of a Sim’s body in Create a Sim.
  • Removed an outdated file that was causing a false error message to appear for 64-bit Mac users that said, “The Sims 4” is not optimized for your Mac and needs to be updated.”

Get To Work

  • Scientists will once again wear an appropriate outfit when going to work even if StrangerVille is not installed.
  • The “Chemical Analyzer” object can now be purchased from Build Mode without having to use a cheat.
  • Fixed an issue where selecting the Randomize from Gallery option until receiving an alien Sim, and then further randomizing that specific Sim, could result in a naked alien Sim.
  • Made updates to the list of valid objects that can be selected as the outcome of the SimRay’s “Transform Object” interaction.

City Living

  • Fixed an issue where objects from multiple festivals were appearing on top of each other in the neighborhood simultaneously.
  • Apartment landlords will now leave the apartment immediately after addressing a tenant’s complaint.
  • Added the ability for Sims with the Vegetarian trait to hire a Vegetarian Caterer by clicking on Stoves or Refrigerators.
  • Vegetarian Sims will no longer enjoy eating Mud Carp.

Cats & Dogs

  • After installing this update, Sims who adopt an animal after befriending them will be able to become companions with them and lecture them for misbehavior.
    • Note: Sims who have already adopted an animal after befriending them, in a save file created prior to this update, will continue to experience this issue. We’re investigating a separate fix for this issue in existing save files.
  • Fixed an issue where hungry pets would not eat from food bowls autonomously.
  • The pet toy box will no longer have its position rotated in a random direction when a Sim returns home from an active career.
    • We’ve placed the magic gnomes responsible for this in the naughty box alongside SimGuruNinja.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Litter-Matic Scoop-Free” litterbox wasn’t looking clean after cat poop had been removed.
  • Fixed an issue with the Pet Adoption Agency, where they would occasionally show up at a Sim’s home without any pets to adopt, and would simply stand at the home’s front door and not do anything.


  • Updated the Gardening career so that Sims will earn more than 10 Simoleons per completed work shift.
  • Fixed an issue where on days where no holiday was set to occur, a Sim’s work schedule would update to falsely indicate that the day was a Holiday just prior to going to work, causing the Sim to stay home for the day.
  • Fixed an issue where NPC Sims were not autonomously using the skating rinks that appear in certain neighborhoods.
  • Toddlers will no longer attempt to queue up behavior to “Run Inside” during bad weather conditions if they’re already inside.
  • Fixed an issue where Sims voices could not be heard when Singing Together around a Holiday Tree if City Living was not installed.

Get Famous

  • The Acting career task to “Get Into Hair and Makeup” can be successfully completed once again.
  • Fixed an issue where celebrity Sims who had been set to use their normal walkstyle were switching back to using the celebrity walkstyle after traveling to certain types of venues.
  • Three star celebrity Sims will no longer use the celebrity walkstyle.

Dine Out

  • Players who have City Living installed can now add the Siopao and Ensaymada dishes to their restaurant’s menu. Yum!


  • Vampire Sims created after installing this update will be able to continue to gain points after reaching the rank of Grand Master.
    • Note: Vampires that already exist will continue to experience a problem with gaining points after reaching Grand Master. We’re investigating a separate fix for Vampires in existing save files.
  • Fixed some circumstances where Vampire NPCs could appear at a venue and prevent the player from being able to save the game.
  • Fixed an issue where NPC Vampires would have their Vampire Energy drained after completing a load, which was causing them to idle in place instead of performing their expected autonomous behavior.


  • Fixed an issue where Sims that had been shared to the Gallery after completing Act 1 of the StrangerVille Mystery would be blocked from progressing in the mystery when downloaded from the Gallery into a new game.
  • The following environment objects, which were created for StrangerVille, have been added to the Build Mode debug catalog to allow placement on lots. Players must enter the bb.showhiddenobjects cheat before they can be seen in the catalog.
    • 10 different cacti
    • 3 different Joshua trees
    • 3 different RVs
    • 2 clusters of rocks
    • 2 junked cars
    • A group of desert flowers
    • A military truck
    • A tire
    • A parking stop
  • Added proper images to the Officer and Covert Operator branches of the Military career.
  • Removed the “Question about Spores in Lab” interaction for Sims who have already acquired the Modified Hazmat Suit.
  • Removed the “Heart of the Pack” styled look from Create a Sim, as it was authored using clothing that’s only available to Sims that have joined the Military career.
  • Updated the pack information panel on the main menu to not display world objects under the Build Mode Items.

My First Pet Stuff

  • Fixed an issue where deleting/selling the rodent habitat could cause the game to become unresponsive.

Holiday Celebration Pack

  • The Crown Roast platter will now show a partially eaten state when half of its servings have been taken.

