The Sims 4 on Xbox & PlayStation 4: New Game Patch (July 22nd, 2019)

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There’s a Sims 4 update available for players on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. To check out all patch notes and updates for The Sims 4 on console, bookmark our console archives.

Update: 07/22/2019 – v1.17

Here we are, once again. This time we don’t have pages and pages of new features coming with this update but we do have some rather important fixes.


General Issues

  • There is a saying that when a door closes a video game shouldn’t. I’m sure it is something like that. Anyway, we took that deep and profound message to heart and now you shouldn’t see your game close while in build mode.
  • Toddlers love toys, sometimes they were loving them so much that they wouldn’t let them go leading to all other kinds of problems. Now, toys and books will be put down now and then, although being toddlers they might not be where you want them, put away neatly. Watch where you walk as standing on toys can hurt!
  • During loading of a save game, you may have seen a message with Error Code 134. Your save games won’t do that anymore.

Island Living

  • Sometimes you want to lounge by the water, or in the water. If you choose to have your Sim relax with a lounger in the water, loading your Save Game would take an excessive amount of time. Loading should be back to normal and your Sim gets to enjoy the waves at their feet.
  • We don’t pretend to understand how Mermaid genetics work but we definitely knew they weren’t working as expected. This should be more like you’d expect when you get new arrivals into the family.


  • Vampires seemed to be confused about how to use Dark Meditation and Influence Emotions, and they wouldn’t be able to do it. We took them into a dark place and explained the situation – now they can do both, putting them onto the path of the most powerful Vampire ever!

The team is busy reviewing all other feedback and working on the next update which we’ll have more details on soon.
– SimGuruLegacy
