RUMOR: The Sims 4 “Discover University” Expansion to Release November 15th

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As always, without official announcements by EA regarding the next Sims 4 Expansion Pack and release date, consider this to be an unverified rumor until proven otherwise. 

It appears that a Target employee has found information on the next Sims 4 expansion pack in Target’s inventory manager. Twitter user Christophuck posted the following image on Twitter showing off an internal listing for “Sims 4 Ep 8 Discover University”, with a street date of November 15th. The Target DPCI number is listed as 207-28-0070.

Whether or not this is actually listed within the system is unknown (only Target employees have access to the inventory system), but it is common practice for major retailers to have this type of information well in advance. This also adds to the mystery of the EA Careers listing regarding a new expansion, recent recordings of new Simlish music, and comments from SimGuruGrant about the year not being over yet.


There is still plenty of time left this year for another game to release, so time will tell whether or not this rumor becomes reality!

Hat Tip: Pixelade
