The Sims 4: New Game Patch (October 23rd, 2019)

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There’s a new Sims 4 Mac update available via Origin. If you have auto updates enabled in “Application Settings”, the game will auto-update once you open Origin. If you have auto-updates disabled, you will need to manually update by clicking the game in your library.

To ensure your game is up to date, check the game version found in Documents > EA > The Sims 4 > GameVersion.txt. Your game should now read: Mac If you’ve updated but it’s not showing the correct version, delete the GameVersion.txt file, restart, and all will be corrected.


Update 10/23/2019 –

Hey Simmers!

Small but important update for macOS players. Catalina players have had a bit of a rough time thanks to some changes in how applications access files. This has made game play a little bumpy. This patch makes things work more reliably for Catalina users!

Additional information:

  • Simmers on macOS 10.15 (Catalina) will be prompted to allow The Sims 4 access to the Documents folder. Grant this request.

