The Sims 4: New Game Patch (April 7th, 2020)

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There’s a new Sims 4 PC update available via Origin. If you have auto updates enabled in “Application Settings”, the game will auto-update once you open Origin. If you have auto-updates disabled, you will need to manually update by clicking the game in your library.

To ensure your game is up to date, check the game version found in Documents > EA > The Sims 4 > GameVersion.txt. Your game should now read: PC: / Mac: If you’ve updated but it’s not showing the correct version, delete the GameVersion.txt file, restart, and all will be corrected.


❗ Remove all MODS and Custom Content before updating your game ❗ 

Update 04/07/2020 – PC: / Mac:
Hey Simmers,

We know that times are a bit weird right now, but we’re keeping things as normal as possible over here so we have a few fixes for you all.

Thanks for your continued support, we hope that you all are staying home and staying safe out there.



The Sims 4

  • Improved compatibility with newer macOS releases, refer to FAQ for more details here
  • Made some small visual and functional improvements to the Main Menu.
  • Custom paintings on nearby lots that are taken a picture of from your active lot will now properly flag your lot as custom content when uploading it to the Gallery.
    • So sneaky!
  • We addressed an issue resulting in a “Conflicting Block Cluster” error message that could occur while building, preventing you from being able to draw or move walls.
  • Non-active traited Sims will no longer get the “Not Enough Exercise” tense moodlet.
  • Stair railings will no longer appear incomplete when placed against a half-wall.
  • Whims are once again able to be completed after Travel.
    • Whims are things your Sims want to do, but you don’t have to.
  • You can now safely raise or lower the foundation of The Nookstone lot in Oasis Springs – walls, floors, and furniture will no longer disappear.
  • The Tutorial will no longer lock if your Sim is promoted before you are given the “You Need to Gain Skill to be Promoted” task.

Get Together

  • Fixed a graphic issue that could occur on Mac with some Intel graphics cards that caused plants in Windenburg to appear blocky when in Laptop Mode.
    • So if you are on a Mac, with an intel graphics card, and you are in laptop mode, and you are playing in Windenburg… we got you covered.

City Living

  • Bulldozing 888 Spire Apartment lots should no longer result in error code 123:28b6ee3b.
    • We hope it does not result in error code: 123:456789abcde
      • We are fairly certain it should not result in error code: 8675-309
        • And under no circumstance should error code 42 occur.

Cats & Dogs

  • The male veterinarian coat now has a properly visible ID badge.


  • Sims should no longer get the “Chilled” buff when the thermostat is set to warmer.
    • Unless you have a heater that turns on and off repeatedly due to a bad switch in the system, and then when it decides to fail completely, it just ignores input for about 3 hours, and then when you wake up in the morning you have to carry a heavy blanket with you… ah hm… nm.

Get Famous

  • Actor prep tasks will no longer reset on traveling.
    • This is the second travel issue in the game… was it trying to tell us something?

Island Living

  • Beaches are available for weddings.

Discover University

  • Sims living in dorms should no longer receive high bills to live there.

Spa Day

  • The “Take bath with Soaks” and “Take Mud Bath” interactions are once again, once again available on Showertubs.
    • This time we won’t have to remove the fix because of… crosses fingers.

Jungle Adventure

  • Child sims will no longer get a flirty buff after eating Flutterberry.

Realm of Magic

  • Magical Clones will no longer become permanent Sims after traveling.
  • Sims can once again resume writing books when their familiars are active.

Tiny Living Stuff

  • Tiny Home Residential lots added to vacation worlds via The Gallery will now properly convert into rental lots.