The Sims 4 CC Showcase Holiday Edition
With Christmas being only 5 days away I figured it would be a good time to post some holiday themed CC to get your sims into the holiday spirit. Have a safe and happy holiday!
3. Hanukkah Decor

This hanukkah cc sims 4 includes 16 items.Created by: Syboubou
Part 1 and Part 2.
Hanukkah Decorated Fireplaces (they have christmas versions as well)
Fireplaces made by duckey1966.
Canvas Set by LuckiSelki.
4. Hanukkah CAS Items

Tichel with Tails by Femmeonamissionsims
Magen David by cherrypiesims. (Use mediafire link)
Sweaters by cherrypiesims.
Kippah Head Covering by Linzlu.
5. Christmas for the babies and toddlers

Baby Christmas Outfit by simsnetwork. This is a DEFAULT REPLACEMENT!
Adorable Christmas Dresses by bukovka.
Handsome Christmas Outfits by RobertaPLobo.
Toddler Christmas Dress Recolors by HazelsCloset.
Christmas Sleepsuits by lillka.
Toddler Antlers by sims4nexus.
Santa Hat by sims4nexus.
7. Christmas Makeup/Accessories

Peppermint, frost, and Noel by crypticsim.
Earrings and necklace by sugar owl.
Accessories by jennisimsunanuevaexperiencia