The Sims 4: New Game Patch (March 31st, 2022)

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There’s a new Sims 4 update available for PC/Mac and Consoles. If you have auto updates enabled in Origin’s “Application Settings”, the game will auto-update once you open Origin. If you have auto-updates disabled, you will need to manually update by clicking the game in your library.

To ensure your game is up to date, check the game version found in Documents > EA > The Sims 4 > GameVersion.txt. Your game should now read: PC: / Mac: / Console: Version 1.56.20. 


Sul Sul, Simmers –

Since the release of the My Wedding Stories Game Pack, our team has been working on a patch update to address the issues you have raised. We are grateful for the feedback and have worked to get these improvements to you as soon as possible.

Our focus has been improving the gameplay surrounding wedding ceremonies. Some of the behavioral systems we’re working through in this pack are quite complex across platforms, and we know that your Sims don’t always behave the way you expect them to. This is part of what makes The Sims special, but we understand it can also be frustrating.

We are aware of the Error 0 Save Bug, are actively investigating and we will provide an update in the coming weeks. Please continue to report issues you might be experiencing via AnswersHQ.


Simmers deserve the best and it’s our goal to provide you with experiences you love from the moment you start the game. We continue to evaluate and improve on the best way we can deliver those experiences to the quality you expect.

We value your passion for this game and want to thank you for your continued support.

Stay safe and healthy,

The Sims Team

What’s New?

Nothing new in this update, just fixes.

Bug Fixes

My Wedding Stories

  • We fixed some issues with Ceremony Activities not working properly during Vow Renewal, Reception & Wedding Ceremony parties.
  • Sims will be able to go up and down short, medium and long aisles now during the Gather at Aisle interaction.
  • Partners will show up for wedding events now.
  • Center park – Myshuno Meadows is listed among the venues in the wedding event planner now besides other additional venues.
  • Sims will no longer set their bouquet aside before walking down the aisle.
  • Ring Bearers and Flower Pals will no longer refuse to walk down the aisle after running any interaction from the “Ceremony activities.”
  • We adjusted our recipe for wedding cakes so they should last much longer. And we made them Vegetarian-safe! :)
  • Everyone will be excited for Cake and Dessert at Wedding Ceremonies now.
  • Wedding Guests and Officiants will “Gather at the aisle” properly now.
  • The “Cut Cake with <Sim>” interaction is no longer available on cakes that were already cut.
  • Officiants will not just stand there any longer, but will actually do their officiant job.
  • Sims who bend to their spouse when performing a “Spousal kiss” will no longer rub their ear into the other Sims face, but will use their lips to kiss their spouse instead.
  • Some curtains have been updated to cast a slightly less dramatic shadow when placed indoors.
  • Sims will react more appropriately when running romantic socials while Slow Dancing going forward.
  • We added some clarity to the tooltip of Wedding Cakes by including further details about eligible spots for wedding cakes to be placed in.
  • Sims will receive the “Not selected as a sim of honor” or “Wasn’t invited to wedding” sentiments only when appropriate moving forward.
  • “Let’s Get Drinks” is no longer available for Child and Teen Sims on Bars during Rehearsal Dinner, Family Gathering, or Engagement Dinner parties.
  • Engaged couples will no longer be able to perform Wedding related actions on Wedding Cakes they do not own.
  • Sims will cut their wedding cakes even if it has a cake topper; Sims will simply remove the topper from the cake and place it in their inventory before cutting the cake with their couple Sim.
  • We also fixed an issue with Cake Toppers floating above Cakes after Sims “Take a Piece.”
  • When selecting guests in the Wedding Event Planner it will show all the sims that are related to both individuals of the couple now. So guests should no longer get uninvited after editing the guest list with a Sim who was not the original host for the event – both couple Sims will be considered the host now.
  • Guests attire Dress Code and Color will no longer reset after editing a Wedding event.
  • Simmers will be able to choose which aisle Sims should gather at and Sims “Gathering For Recessional” will be able to go up and down the aisles without issues now.
  • We taught Sims some manners so they will pay proper attention to Toasts now and will stop chattering.
    • We know it’s a big day and everyone’s excited, but that’s no reason to be rude.
  • Sims with a larger backside will no longer experience their derriere to clip through ymTop_GP11Casual.
  • When Engaged Sims perform the “Exchange vows and Kiss” or the “Exchange Vows with Officiant and Kiss” Ceremony event, Sims will complete both interactions now and will no longer forget about the Spousal Kiss.
  • We made some tweaks so you can expect more sunshine in Tartosa moving forward.
  • Officiant Sims will now give the wedding couple their full attention and avoid talking to other sims during their speech.
  • Sims will wear their existing formal outfit for weddings if it is appropriately colored.
  • For Engagement Dinners Sims will wear their party outfits and for wedding reception and the vow renewals events guest Sims will wear their formal outfit moving forward.
  • We caught some mischievous gnomes who added super glue to wedding chairs, causing Sims to be unable to get up after taking their seats. We cleaned those chairs meticulously and advised gnomes to be more prudent so Sims will be able to get up to do other wedding related actions after sitting down.
  • We added some musical backdrop to accentuate important wedding moments.
  • Also, we improved an issue with arms clipping during Paired Dancing.