Origin – Pre Order Showtime Katy Perry Edition + Bonus

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You can now pre order this Collector’s Edition via Origin! Also, this Edition costs an extra $10 for the Katy Perry Royalties.

From what I understand, this Collector’s Edition will contain the bonus content of the Limited Edition, as well as these Katy Perry Exclusives. I hope to have 100% confirmation on this soon, and I will update once a solid answer is given.
When adding this Collector’s Edition to your cart via Origin, you are given the Limited Edition Exclusive code. This Edition will contain ALL the items from Limited & Collector’s Edition. 

Thanks to Lee for the tip!


Limited Edition + Katy Perry Content Included


❗ The guitar picks were a bonus item posted by The Sims Spain, so there is no telling if the USA version will also get the picks.



Katy Collectors 2 Katy Collectors

