New Roaring Heights Background
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Roaring Heights & Boardwalk Venue Now Available!
The Sims 3 Roaring Heights ($20 & $35) - Welcome to a city where bold shapes, rich colors, and lavish looks rule the skyline!...
Sims 3 Roaring Heights: Coaster Theme Screens
Via SimGuruCopeland
Sims 3 Roaring Heights: Two New Screenshots
Via SimGuruBrett &
Sims 3 Roaring Heights: 5 New Screenshots
Sims 3 Roaring Heights: New Screenshot
Via SimGuruCopeland
Zooming in on this fancy downtown apartment. Just over the bridge from the boardwalk? Location, location, location!
Fan Made Box Art: The Sims 3 Roaring Heights
Our reader Nathanial has now completed the Roaring Heights Box Art! We previously posted on his completion of other Store World Box Art, and now you...
Sims 3 Roaring Heights: Car Woohoo is Back!
The "Classically Cool Fixer-Upper Car" content included with The Sims 3 Roaring Heights, includes the option to "Make Out" and "Woohoo" in the car. The...
Sims 3 Roaring Heights: Live Broadcast (12/10/13)
The next Sims 3 Live Broadcast is scheduled for Tuesday, December 10th, @ 10am Pacific! This broadcast will showcase The Sims 3 Roaring Heights World from...