Sneak-Peak of some upcoming Sims 3 Store clothing!
The Sims 3 released some new photos on their Facebook Page today of some upcoming clothing styles that will be released in the Sims...
The Sims 3 Store One With Nature Review
Disclaimer: The story told in this review is purely for entertainment purposes. Any resemblances to actual people, real or imaginary, is purely coincidental. Even...
Sims 3 Crystal Ball Available Separately In Game
The Sims 3 Store team has really boinked up the Store Sets and premium items this year. Multiple sets with half of the objects...
Sims 3 Store: August Set Preview #1
Via SimGuruTatertot (yum!)</p
The Last Venue of Amore has a lot of beautiful and exciting content, and we are about to start sharing them all!...
In Game Screens of April Sets
Here are in-game pictures of the new April Store Sets. Click the images for a larger view.
Special Thanks to Sofia for the Kids Clothing...
Sims 3 Supernatural Registration Gift
Once you register The Sims 3 Supernatural, you will receive Seven Exclusive Plants vs. Zombies objects for your game! Click here to redeem!
Thanks to...
In-Game Discounts & Free Content (3/16 – 3/17)
Don’t miss the latest in-game store discounts and free content happening from Saturday, March 16th at 12am PST to Sunday, March 17th at 11:59...
Sims 3 Store: August Set Preview #4
Via SimGuruCopeland
Sims 3 Store: Sales Page Update
Click Below!
Sims 3 Store: May “Builder’s Set” Preview #3
Via SimGuruTaterTot (yum!)
Today's hint isn't exactly a brand new item, but it is going to be included in May in a new, fantastic way The...