Platinum Simmers Interview Jennifer Lane

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Thanks to BlackGarden to the info!


Last Thursday, Platinum Simmers sat down for a (Skype) chat with the one and only Jennifer Lane, aka SimGuruJenn. In between a few technical issues, we talked all about the new Sims 3 stuff pack – Master Suite Stuff (released in the USA and Canada today, Europe this Thursday, and the UK on Friday), Stuff Packs in general, and how community feedback continues to influence development of new packs.


Heather: I know you’ve been on the Sims team for quite a while now, so what exactly is your role on the team?


Jennifer Lane: I’m a producer on the Sims, and I’m lead producer for the stuff pack line. I work on both the expansion packs and the stuff packs, but really, particularly in the past few weeks the focus has been on the stuff packs. I’ve been with the Sims since the Sims 3 base game, and my role is… well besides causing trouble… is just to help the team make sure things happen. It’s a really fantastic team and getting to work with them is pretty cool.


