EA Announces The Sims 3 Monte Vista (World)

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The Sims 3 Monte Vista is a new world we are working on, in The Sims 3 Store. Monte Vista has a whole new theme and whole new setting for you to tell the stories of your Sims. This world is still inĀ development, so this sneak peek will be quick.
The Sims 3 Monte Vista is a beautiful, bright, sun kissed world. You will be getting Rolling Hills, Cyprus Trees, Mountain Top Views, in a Walled In City that you are all going to love. Your Sims will be able to wild their days away, strolling across the piazza, visiting museums, farming on the land, and eating amazing food at any of the new bistros around town.
Right now is the perfect time to introduce you toĀ theĀ all new Premium Content coming with Monte Vista. The Woodfire Oven is not only a fun new way to improve your Cooking skill, but it also adds a ton of new recipes for your Sims to learn. You will be able to cook new dishes such as Pizza, Calzones, & Lasagnas.
This world will be available in The Sims 3 Store during winter, so stay tuned for more info!


Monte 3
Untitled Untitled monte oven

