Reminder: The Sims Live Broadcast (5/23/13)

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The Sims 3 Live Broadcast will begin tomorrow, 5/23/13, @ 10am Pacific! As usual, we will host the live event right here on SimsVIP, and have a replay available for those who miss it.


Our next The Sims Live Broadcast will be held on May 23rd at 10:00 AM PDT/1:00 PM EDT.
Tune in to The Sims Live Broadcast on May 23rd at 10am PDT to watch an in-depth walkthrough of The Sims 3 Dragon Valley and get introduced to a few members of The Sims 4 development team!
If you’re on Twitter, use #TheSimsLB Hashtag and ask your questions!
We hope you can watch and Tweet with us during the show using the hashtag #TheSimsLB.



