Community Blog: Free Content Updates in The Sims 4

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It’s hard to believe it’s been a month since we launched The Sims 4, but in that short time we’ve received a ton of great feedback as you’ve started exploring the game. We’ve designed The Sims 4 to be a live service, so we can continually evolve the experience, add new content, and incorporate as much of your feedback as possible. That’s what I’m here to talk about today.
So let’s get to it. Live RIGHT NOW is the first of three major game updates coming to The Sims 4 over the next three months, each with new features, new content and more. The updates will be free for everyone playing The Sims 4 who downloads the latest patch, and yes, there will be pools!


First, a rundown on the October update:
Ghosts – October brings the spoooooky addition of Ghosts to The Sims 4. Your dead Sims can now rejoin the world of the living, where they maintain all the attributes they had a as a Sim, but with special new behaviors based on how they died. Invite them to join your Sims’ household and they can be playable characters; if you dare, you might even find a way to bring your ghosts back to life.
Star Wars Costumes – Did you feel that disturbance in The Force? It was probably our new Star Wars Costume Set. Outfit your Sims in Luke Skywalker’s X-wing pilot suit, Leia’s white robes and awesome cinnamon buns, Darth Vader’s suit and, yes, even Yoda. I mean, who out there hasn’t dressed as Yoda for Halloween, right? Now you can in The Sims 4, too!
Eye Colors – Community requests like new eye colors are in there, too. I have personally just given all my Sims purple eyes. Because I can. We’ve also fixed a few minor bugs as well.


Next come two more major updates:

Pools – In November, get your Sim-suits ready (too much pun? Sorry!) because pools will make their triumphant debut in The Sims 4.

Careers – December is Put-Your-Sims-To-Work Month, as we introduce new Career paths and rewards.
All of these updates will be free for our players in The Sims 4. Just log in to Origin and download the patches as we release them. Each update will be full of great content and some surprises. Think that gnomes only live in gardens? Clearly, you’re not playing enough of The Sims 4.
Our players are just the best. Period. I can’t tell you how much I enjoy seeing so many creations from The Sims 4 shared in The Gallery, in forums and streams on Twitch. One of my recent faves is Deligracy’s speed build video of the “Not so Dusty Turf” Family Home. The details and her commentary are spectacular (whispers to Deligracy: I’ve also glued eyes onto cactus plants to make them look like people too). This is why all of us working on The Sims 4 just love making this game – the creativity that comes to life in our community is like nothing else. Please keep showing us more, we can’t get enough.
We’ve been keeping our ears and eyes on all of the comments and questions you have about The Sims 4. It’s awesome to be able to help with tips and tricks for some questions right away:
• For example – looking for the old camera control system? Just hit Shift-Alt-Tab in live mode!
• Another one – perhaps you’re moving your first family into their first home, did you know you can choose from more than just the vacant homes? You can bulldoze a lot or evict some NPC Sims, no red tape required!
• OK one more – did you know you can change your Sims’ Aspirations at any time? Click the star button on the bottom right corner in Live mode to open the Aspirations panel, then click the star button on the right side and you’ll see all available Aspirations. If your Sim with the Evil trait just can’t find love on his mission to become the town player, then maybe switching to pursue the Deviance aspiration will be more up his alley.
Other topics may take a bit more time. We know our players on Mac are looking to hear more. We are working on it. When we have more to share, we’ll bring the news to you right here.
We look forward to sharing more about the November and December content updates right here as we get closer to release. We’re also exploring new features and some expansion packs for further down the line, and we’re always listening to your feedback to help us decide what to build. We’ve said from the beginning that The Sims 4 is all about endless play possibilities, and we hope each of these updates add fun new dimensions to your experience.
Happy Simming!

