Community Blog: Learn About the Battle Station in The Sims 4 Kids Room Stuff

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Leif. Barry. Lora. Finn. Ellie. These are the revered names of legendary Voidcritter trainers, masters of the five elements. Will your Sims’ children be the next honored member of this elite circle? They’ll have the chance to become legend on June 28th in The Sims 4 Kids Room Stuff*.

Voidcritter monsters are the inspiration for a collectible card game that Sim kids can compete over – the first of its kind in The Sims franchise. Spanning five powerful elements (earth, fire, wind, water, and void) there are twenty monsters in total to find. While the more common critters can be acquired by ordering card booster packs from a computer, rarer monsters are better discovered by searching the world to see what you can find. Reach inside a hollow log here, dig through the trash over there… it’s all worth it if you have a hope of catching them all.



You can even trade Voidcritters with other kids in the neighborhood in hopes of landing a card that eludes you. In addition, each monster card has a limited edition foil variant that can be unearthed, and is totally the envy of every other kid in the neighborhood.

As great as each Voidcritter card looks when displayed on a shelf, you’ll unlock their true potential by giving your Sims the Battle Station, an electronic arena where the Voidcritters come to life. Select the Voidcritter which will gain your favor in combat – as you train them and lead them into battle, their power level will increase and play an important role in determining the winner. When each competitor inserts their critter card into the machine, the digital screen springs to life as kids attempt to button mash their way to victory while the battle unfolds. Elemental attacks even leap out of the screen, enhanced by a child’s own imagination.


Become the Voidcritter victor, the elemental egalitarian, and perhaps most importantly… the champion of the playground! This destiny awaits you in The Sims 4 Kids Room Stuff when it releases this June 28th.
