(RUMOR) The Sims 4: Modders Find More Evidence of Toddlers in Game Files

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UPDATE: We reached out to EA regarding the status of this rumor, and a representative for The Sims Studio (Maxis) has officially stated that these are “all old assets that were used to create the custom Andrew Wilson image a couple years back”.

It’s no secret that toddler-like textures and files have been in the game for quite some time, but the most recent dabbles by modders over at Sims 4 Studio and Inabadromance on Tumblr, have players hoping these are more than just some unused game files.

From DreamTeamSims: There’s a toddler texture in the game since January 2015, but recently max20 at Sims4Studio also found a Model that could be for toddlers since it’s bigger and more detailed than the babies Model. Then the awesome inabadromance put them together and it’s a toddler that it looks A LOT like that toddler from the that baby render. So I shared this information on a Brazilian sims group I’m part of and the user Nathaly even added the clothes and the hair and yeah it’s the toddler from the render as you can see:



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Recent textures and models show a larger version of this “baby” – Image by max20

Unlike The Sims 2 and The Sims 3 Base Games, the Toddler life stage was not launched with the release of The Sims 4 Base Game, and Maxis has yet to give a straight answer on whether or not they would return. When a commemorative render was gifted to EA’s “first family”, The Sims Studio was quick to debunk it as nothing more than “unique art”.

Since then, the only official statements and actions by Maxis were to “sticky” an idea and feedback thread on the official forums (now unstickied), have an official international page state that toddlers are not planned anytime soon, and give more non-answers.

As always, without official announcements by The Sims Team regarding Toddlers in the game, consider this to be a rumor until proven otherwise. 

