Submit your Questions for Generations!

- Advertisement - will  be interviewing  Shannon Copur, one of the producers of Generations!  We have been in contact and they will be accepting an email from us by Monday with all of YOUR questions! 😀

So go ahead and get in any questions you have regarding Generations by Sunday night! Please read previous questions on the post in case you have the same question as anyone else.


On Sunday April 10th, I will not accept any more questions.  Whichever questions make the cut, will be sent in the email…Will your question make it? :mrgreen:

Let your friends know and get everyone over here to ask their questions. You can also use the Facebook and Twitter buttons up top to let us share it for you. 🙂  Ask away everyone!


Update:  The cut off date for questions has been shortened.  Due to the time differences between the US and Norway, I had to change the time.  I think we have pretty much covered everything! 😀






