Generations Facts – Update 4/26/11

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After a read over on, I have gathered a few more bits on Generations that we had not listed before.  Check out the fact sheet here:  Generations Fact Sheet

Below are the newer updates via Edenstyle. 🙂 Make sure to check the Generations Fact sheet often for any new info and updates!



♦ At graduation day you get a message and you can attend the ceremony at the city hall and collect high school diploma.


♦ Other Sims get “Give graduation gift” option and can give something from their inventory.

♦ For the ones that asked, there’s no University in this expansion pack.The maximum level is still high school, but thanks to boarding school and afterschool activities our Sim will be super skilled when they become young adults.


Afterschool Activities

♦ Public school has also been improved and you can now send your children and teens to afterschool activities.

♦ Children can attend ballet and scouting classes.
Teens have a major offer: music club, art club, newspaper club, study club, debate club, drama club, shop club and sports club.

♦ Classes help to improve skills and give special interactions. For example, scouting classes improve fishing and gardening and drama club is good for charisma. A little girl that attended ballet classes can show the new moves she learned to others.
There are also some related opportunities to fulfill.


♦ Classes can be done once a week, last 2 hours and are from 2 to 4 pm for teens and from 3 to 5 pm for children.

♦ If you go to School tab you can see Afterschool activities category with the agenda. If you want, you can sign up for more classes and do a different one every day. For example, a teen can have Music club on Monday, Shop club on Tuesday, Drama club on Wednesday and so on…



♦ You can also choose your Bachelor/ette parties to be labeled “Exclusive access” only.


