Sims 3 Generations – Magical Gnomes

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Want to know a bit more about the Magical Gnomes?  How do you feel about Magical Gnomes having their own little family? 😛 The following was posted by GirlGamersUK.


The Mysterious Mr. Gnome you know and love from base game will age through the life cycles just like the Sims.

Leave two of these magical gnomes in your Sims’ homes or have them hang around a wedding and you just might see a new magical addition! Each of the different gnome age ranges has new poses and appearances, and they each prefer to appear near different objects that are suitable to them.

Toddler Gnome – Gnomes are already small, but these magical toddlers are tiny!

Child Gnome – These playful little gnomes are just a little bigger than toddlers.

Teen Gnome – These teenaged gnomes have the look of youth and rebellious teen spirit!

Elder Gnome – Gnomes past their primes, but still just as magical.


Update: SimsguruShannon has shared photos of the Magical Gnomes.


