Sims 3 Town Life – Lot Sizes & Photos!

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As you all know, Sims 3 Town Life comes complete with 7 New Community Lots & Venues. Below are the lot sizes and some photos of them!  All lot sizes are 30×20 (School 30×40) and fit perfectly around town! Click images for a larger view, or take a look at the entire album of Town Life here.

Town - Par Excellence Preparatory School Town - Scrumptious Nibbles Cafe Town - Fresh & Frozen Express Grocery Town - Ray of Sunshine Park Town - Sudsy Time Laundry Town - Mr. Crunches Fiteness Gym Town - Noble Tome Library


Mr Crunches Fitness – Gym


Gym Gym2 Gym4 Gym3 Gym5 Gym6 Gym7 Gym8


Par Excellence Preparatory School


School School1 School2 School3


Fresh & Frozen Express Grocer


G rocery G rocery 2 G rocery3


Noble Tome Library


Library Library2 Library3 Library5 Library4 Library6 Library7 Library8


Sudsy Time Laundry


Laundry6 Laundry7 Laundry8 Laundry Laundry2 Laundry3 Laundry4 Laundry5


Scrumptious Nibbles Cafe


Cafe Cafe2 Cafe3 Cafe4 Cafe5 Cafe6


Ray of Sunshine Park


Park Park2 Park3 Park4

