SimFans has an awesome traits list complete with descriptions & icons from Pets! I have not included all of them in the post on the front page, so click the “Read More” button at the bottom of the post to see all the icons. 🙂
Adventurous Adventurous pets are quite curious and want to explore everything.

Aggressive Pets are usually not aggressive by nature in common, but merely have a bad attitude when they interact with other pets. A bad attitude that often leads to fights.

Clueless Unsuspecting animals frequently forget what they have just made, and are easily distracted. They are not very quick to develop skills and characteristics come, but ideally with absent-minded Sims.

Anxious Frightened pets are predisposed very nervous and jumpy.

Lazy Pets may just lazy, lie down or stay in one place, because they are very tired.

Piglet These animals devour their food and it makes them anything to chew or refuse to drink from the toilet.

Nimble Nimble horses are fast, strong and like to jump.They are excellent in show jumping and bored when they can not be active.

Friendly Pets with a friendly disposition it easier to cope not only with other pets, but also usually have a better relationship with their Sims.

no icon Genius Ingenious pets always have their wits. You quickly learn new skills and features and get along well with other pets and Sims genius.

Hyperactive Hyperactive pets are never overly active and stay in one place. You can build up energy much faster and keep them longer.

Hunter Pets with hunting instincts are excellent to spot their prey and catch them.

no icon Loud Pets are very loud and powerful voice, accompanied by a special Sims, play an instrument.

Nervous Nervous horses see in all a scare because of the danger and insignificant trifles. They get on extremely well with neurotic Sims that have the same problem.

Non-destructive Non-destructive pets are very gentle, furniture can dig safely and no holes in the garden.

Neat Pets are naturally neat and clean like it to be bathed.

Calm Quiet pets do not make much noise.

Gently Gentle horses are the quietest of their herd. They never, a ledge, and it is also usually better cope with them.

Quickly Fast horses are the racers of the animal world.They love to gallop and have a natural talent for racing tournaments. You need lots of exercise, however, that they are satisfied.

Floats like Contrary to popular belief, not all dogs like to swim. But they get this feature, they can not get enough of it!

Shy Shy pets feel at ease when they are near their Sims. In the presence of other pets and Sims they are a little nervous.

Spring Faul Some horses prefer to keep their feet on the ground. If a horse does not jump like this then it will do less and do poorly at Spring tournaments and off-road races. Perhaps it makes even his anger out on your shiny new Spring obstacles!

Pride Proud to have pets and look for something better always comes first, poor hygienic conditions, they are a horror.

Stubborn Stubborn horses are stubborn and do not mix well with Sims. You do not even need contact with foreign Sims or be touched by them and may even occur Sims who do not like. So repugnant these properties may be, have stubborn horse by a strange affinity for evil and vile Sims.

Brave Horses are particularly brave and courageous are thus better cope with the chaos of sprinkler systems, fire stations, burglar alarms and other disruptive items.

Faithful “A dog is the best friend of Sims” is a saying where there is something for sure! Loyal dogs like it, time to spend with their Sims. And they seem to learn skills more quickly than other dogs.

Independent Pets are to be assisted by independent not only from itself, it also makes them more fun alone, instead of playing with others.

no icon Untamed Untamed horses are not accustomed to wearing seat or ledge on the back. You need to saddle up for a while with a Sim that they can trust, and riding practice before they accept any rider.

Playful Playful pets will always have fun and are quite unconcerned.

Hydrophobia Water-shy dogs have a natural aversion to anything that has to do with water. In the water they are definitely not happy.

Destructive Whether it’s cutting up pieces of furniture, or to allow the digging of holes in the garden – Destructive pets cause chaos everywhere!