Sims 3 Pets – Feature Info #2

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The Sims team has released a 2nd Feature Info on Pets, this time all about hunting & caring for your Cats & Dogs!

Thanks to Joe T for the email!


Sims can teach their pets hunting skills, choosing to interact, “Study of hunting.” Remember to do between training sessions break for fun, because the dog quickly gets tired and bored, if still in training.


Dogs with hunting ability can use the interaction “Dig …” in different sites identified as places to dig, which are scattered throughout the game world. The higher your pet has levels of hunting skills, the greater will have a chance to find rare collectible object, such as a gem, metal and even a fragment of bone or sculpture!

Sims can recommend his hunting dogs with the ability to “hunted” for their date at a public lot on which there is at least one lonely Sim appropriate sex! All dog’s abilities and achievements are recorded in hunting diary.


Cats are born hunters! Train your hunting cat toys to pick up your cat’s hunting ability. Cats can catch various small animals – beetles, birds, lizards, rodents, snakes and turtles. To find these animals, use the interaction “Search for the victims” in the hunt. This menu becomes available when you collect enough points hunting skills. This will take you to view maps, where you will find markers indicating adequate prey species. Cats can also sneak a trophy anywhere outside the home. Simply select a piece of land and try.


Sims can instruct your feline friends that hunted something for them, and even to bring a particular species of animals. Although the pet will try as soon as he could, there is always a risk that does not understand the command, and bring something completely different.

When will the appropriate pet cat, which can hunt, will be creeping, then you do throw! If you win the fight, pet will be found in equipment cat. Animals caught by cats may be kept at home in a suitable terrarium. Cats can also catch fish through the interaction of “Take a fish” is available in the case of ponds and oceans.


Care for a dog and a cat

Before you arrive home your new dog or cat, make sure you have everything you may need to be happy. Cats and dogs need bowls and bedding (or, if you can afford it, a luxury cottage). In the shopping mode, in the category of a child’s room, you will find all the necessary accessories for pets.Additional items are available in the category “animals” in a sort of / g functionality.


Info 2

If your dog or cat begins to behave restlessly, try to bring them to walk. May have to go pee! Cats can do at home, if you buy them a litter box. New animals in the home need an extra dose of attention, to be accustomed to new surroundings, and perhaps learned this or that. They may also be occasionally devastating – so reward them toys and try to be happy. If you do not take care of your new cat or dog, social worker could come and take him away. Take care of your pet so well and make good contact with him.



Oh, fleas! These annoying little pests, which are infecting the animals rummaging through the fields alone. Make it all itches, and quite spoil the mood. “If you meet zapchlone animal, avoid it – coming into contact with such a pet you risk that fleas jump at you.” “If you meet zapchlone animal, avoid it – coming into contact with such a pet you risk that fleas jump at you.”

After a soothing bath in flea shampoo your pet is free to run around outside without the risk of catching fleas. Medicine will work long after and it will scare away these troublesome insects. Quick psiknięcie higienatorem animal is also a good way to not catch fleas!


