L’ Univers Sims – Showtime Preview!

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Thus, this game was designed as an evolution of your stories to stardom. City Starlight Shores , A bit like Hollywood (that’s what we were told … but I’ve never gone, I can assure you).

With Showtime you wanted to be an artist you will now be able to become pregnant. But not only in your game The great novelty of this version is the ability to send your sims to do their show in the game of your friends, thanks to Simport. If they sing off, you will not be alone to live your misfortune!If your acrobat is awkward … send it to mess with your enemies!
We wish we could test this possibility, but for technical reasons (we all had the same part), our game we refused the presence of our friends … The procedure does not seem to me very approachable … but we should have some surprises in the right direction when the game is completely finished!


On tour, and during his career, your sim gets badges reward, and all tomatoes or object that the public will cast him! So when you perform, you will have to watch how your audience perceives your benefit, and do not hesitate to interact with it or to change your show.


