GameReactor – Showtime Interview with Michael Cox

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Next month your Sims will try to become singers, magicians or acrobats as as EA’s series meets Pop Idol and Britain’s Got Talent in The Sims 3: Showtime. We sat down for a chat with Michael Cox, producer on The Sims 3: Showtime, who was worked on The Sims for many years and has been at EA for 14 years, at a recent event for The Sims 3: Showtime in Stockholm.



What goes into planning and deciding the themes for the various Sims expansions?We’re very fortunate to have a very active and vocal community. We get a lot of feedback, ideas and inspiration from listening to our community. We also do a lot of market research to make sure that our fans are correct. By that I mean they’ve got a lot of ideas and we really want to deliver what people want to play. And at the same time we want to make sure that what we do has broad appeal, not just for the hardcore fans, but in addition we want to make sure that we’re doing things for the more casual users. We have such a variety of people playing this game that we really want to resonate with, and be relevant to all of them so we’ll do market research as well.


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