Giveaway #4 – Scavenger Hunt! *Ended*

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We have a winner! Congrats to liamlogan98 for finding all the clues! Liamlogan98, check your emails shortly for details!


three lakes– sims pet customization, male teen
river blossom hills– sims 3 simport and rewards, showtime game guide, female teen adult elder
pleaseantview– removed content
bluewater village– sims 3 pets spoiler info, late night



Scavenger Hunt


Throughout the entire website’s pages (look up top!) I have hidden PHOTO clues of some of the Worlds released in Sims 2! (Includes Regular Neighborhoods + Sub Worlds!)


The first person to find the clues, put ’em together and reply with the correct answers and the pages on which the clues were found, will win The Sims 3 Hidden Springs!




This is what you MUST reply with!


1) The  Correct Answers – Four total 

2) The titles (names) of the pages you found the clues on. (No particular order)

3) Make sure you use a valid email when commenting so I can email you with prize details!

…and FYI – Clues are not included on the Player Creations Tab/Section

