Giveaway #10 – Show Meh What U Got! *Ended*

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After two and a half hours…we have a winner! 😛 Congrats to Manuel for winning the final contest! Crazy! Manuel, I will email you soon with details!




This is the final giveaway! Think you got what it takes to win The Sims 3 Showtime? How about we test your skills…literally!


Hop into your game and complete the following three (3) Skill Challenges! All the challenges MUST be completed by THREE visibly different Sims!


Fitness Nut – Athletic Skill (Sim #1)

Brushmaster – Painting Skill (Sim #2)

Master Farmer – Gardening Skill (Sim #3)


Along with the above, using one of your Sims, you will need to type up a certain amount of novel types. How many of each? Screenshot your Sim’s journal, and make sure the number of books written per genre match the one’s below!




How to Win

♦ Post all four screenshots of the completed challenges. Use the prt scr button on your keyboard and paste in paint. Save and vuala! Photos.


♦ All the challenges must be completed by THREE Sims (one challenge for each Sim).

♦ First person to complete these challenges and post all four photos…wins!


❗ I am also going to participate in this contest, so I will know how long (approx) it will take to complete this challenge. I know there are many of you out there who use mods, so this is the precaution I am taking. Either you’re gonna play fair, or step out. 🙂 


