Giveaway #7 – You can be waaaat? *Ended*

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Haha! This was hard ey? 😛

We have a winner! Congrats to Kilu for posting the correct answer! Kilu, check your email shortly for details!


hand of poseidon – outdoor living
city planner – ep 7 spoilers
rock god – chievements & male hair adult
game president – showtime guide and master suite guide
mad scientist – showtime guide save a backup (help)
eat 200 grilled cheese – free game content ,removed content ,pet breeds



Scavenger Hunt


Throughout the entire website’s pages (look up top!) I have hidden PHOTO clues of 6 Sims 2 Lifetime Wants!

The first person to find the clues, put ’em together and reply with the correct answers and the pages on which the clues were found, will win a $20 EA Cash Card!


There are multiple clues for some of the answers! You must find them all!




This is what you MUST reply with!


1) The  Correct Answers – Six total 

2) The titles (names) of the pages you found the clues on for each answer. (No particular order)

3) Make sure you use a valid email when commenting so I can email you with prize details!

…and FYI – Clues are not included on the Player Creations Tab/Section or the Sims Social Fansite Tab.

