Your Vote for Possible Additions to SimsVIP

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In the coming months I have lots of site work to do here on SimsVIP, and I want to get some input from our readers. Click the “read more” button below for details.


From the start, I wanted to keep SimsVIP strictly a PC news/info site, with the occasional news on spin off games like Medieval. Of course, Sims Social is one of the spin offs I have taken on since day one, but with the Sims stemming to all types of platforms from Console to Mobile, I wanted our readers to decide on additional news articles, if any at all. I like to stay true to the Sims for PC, and give it my utmost attention, but change is always welcome (and sometimes needed!).


Not everyone is interested in the Sims for console, mobile or as spin off games, but there are probably many of you who are. I’m not guaranteeing that anything will be added or changed, but I still would like a head count. If any changes were to take place, they would start much later in the year, once I have completed all the work I have listed here.

For now, take the poll below and give me some insight on what your liking(s) are. Some of you may like how the site is run now, but maybe some of you want some additional news articles and updates added to SimsVIP. The poll is multiple choice, so pick and choose as you please! Thanks! 🙂


Feel free to leave comments below!

