SimGuruTaterTot (yum!) Wants Your Kitchen!

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If you have photos of Kitchens in your game, head on over to TaterTot’s thread and share them! Not only does he need some new idea’s from the talented community, but he will also select some of the awesome kitchen pics to be featured in their Facebook Photo Albums.


Rustic Kitchens, Classic Kitchens, Mid Mod Kitchens – the list never ends! With all of the kitchen sets available what style do you choose?

I’m dying to start a new kitchen in my legacy Sims house and I find myself going back to the same style – the exact same wrap around counters and dining table. BORING!

For the next two weeks (in honor of the Rustic Mexican Kitchen launch!) we’re calling on you to show us your amazing kitchens! Cute Cabinets, Frosty Fridges, Impeccible Islands, the works!

A selection of Kitchens you post will be hosted in a Gallery on Facebook for all to see, as well i’m sure i’ll be inspired by someone and redo my house!

I’ve showed you mine, now show me your..Kitchen!


