Sims 3 Store Content Patch Version 1.1 (5/14/12)

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There is a new Store Patch available which will fix some of the incompatibility issues with Store Content. Open the Launcher and you will be prompted with the patch. After patching you should see a file within the Content Patch folder that is 179 KB in size.

Thanks to Brenna & iPlaySims for the info!


To install this update, please start your game and use the “Downloads” tab in your Launcher.

This Store update includes the following changes:

  • Fixed an incompatibility issue with Lady Ravendancer Goth’s Book o’ Spells and the Fountain of Youth.
  • Fixed an issue where the Tree of Prosperity would occasionally become frozen when switching configurations.
  • Fixed an issue where cats would become frozen when jumping on the Overly General Dining Chair.
  • Fixed an issue where the visual effects for the PlasmaTron TV were showing up in the wrong location.
  • Fixed an issue where the Simetry Seater was incorrectly placed in the Kitchen – Counters section in Buy Mode.

*A game restart is required for updates made while the game is running.

