FYI: Sims Three (3) VIP Newsletters &

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I have received 30 + emails in the last two days regarding the “100 Free Simpoints” promotion via EA. (this website!) has absolutely no affiliation with EA whatsoever. This includes newsletters, promotions and free simpoints. EA & The Sims have had a (seldom active) VIP newsletter since Sims 3 was released in 2009. I have no idea why they have become so – coincidentally – active this last year, but I want our readers to know that Sims Three (3) VIP & our website are two different entities.
For those having issues with your free Simpoint codes, please know that EA has acknowledged the problem and is working on it.  For questions regarding this “Free Simpoints” promotion, it’s best to contact EA directly. Again, we are in no way affiliated

with EA and their promotions, so stop emailing me with the 20 digit code issue! Thank you! 😛


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