Random Rambles: Site Updates & Announcements

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Remember the list of “Stuff To Do” from back in March? I haven’t quite finished it, but I have started to! The Sims 3 Premium Content Guide & Sims 3 World Guide have begun the “in process” stage, and will be the first I complete. Besides those, I have slowly started completing past game guides. I hope to have them up by the end of the year. Hopefully. 😛
At the end of this month we will be switching site hosts. The one we currently have is unreliable in many ways, and as you may have noticed, we’ve had a few down times. I do not want to worry about this kind of thing, so we are hooking up with an awesome host to provide us the best hosting possible. More info on this later in the month. (Click read more below)

In other news, Prima Games has offered me the task of being Author to Supernatural’s Prima Guide, and I’ve accepted! The Sims 3 Supernatural Prima Guide will include all the dedication
and hard work I’ve put into the guides created here on SimsVIP. For those that are going to ask, I will not be doing a guide for Supernatural here on the site. All my work will be going into the Prima Guide, so make sure to pre-order it!
For the next month, I have lots of work to do and whole bunch of writing to get done. If you notice a decrease in my presence and news articles being posted a teeny weeny bit later than usual, it’s because I have deadlines to meet and a fantastic guide to create. Have no fear though, I have an amazing staff who will try as best they can to be here during my absence.
The Sims 3 Diesel Game Manual will be up on July 15th-ish, so please bear with me while my hectic real life intrudes. I want to thank all of you for the continued support and dedication to SimsVIP, and I look forward to sharing this new experience with you! 😀

