SimGuruTaterTot (yum!) Says Goodbye

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One of the tastiest Guru names of all time is off to get married and leaving Guru-land! He will still be working with The Sims team, but will not continue with the same job. As a farewell gift, he has left us some brand new Sunlit Tides screens. Best of luck to you TaterTot!

Thanks to iPlaySims for the info.

 TaterTot’s Blog

Alright guys, the time has come for me to say goodbye!  Tatertot is off to get married and when I come back from the honeymoon I won’t be working in the same place. *cry* I know so sad!


But don’t worry! I’ll still be on the Sims team, just in the background and there is a NEW Tatertot for you guys.  She will be introducing herself soon. Take good care of her because she’s awesome (and she’ll have to change the avatar).


She’s just as excited about the Sims as I was so prepare for awesomeness!


So long and thanks for all of the fish.




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