Monte Vista: New Screenshots and Info Bits

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Via SimGuruTatertot’s (yum!) blog – Thanks Chris! 🙂 


Hi there!


I thought I’d take some time while recuperating from my Thanksgiving over-eating, the craziness from Digital Monday, and the fun from the Monte Vista Producer’s Broadcast to talk about everything that’s been going on the past few days. It’s been wild!


On Tuesday the 27th, Lisa and Sarah did a great job showing everyone the world, and even sneaked a view of a pool mosaic they weren’t suppose to show! But it’s alright. You’ll hear more about that soon enough.


If you missed the broadcast, set aside some time and definitely check it out.


Also, if you’re JUST finding out right now that you missed the Digital Monday sales, the Store has left the majority of the items from the sales category up at a lower discount. Check it out here.


Additionally, make sure everyone remembers that Monte Vista will only be sold for real cash. For those of you wondering what a world simpoint bundle looks like – refer to Barnacle Bay’s simpoint bundle on the Store’s simpoint bundle page. Monte Vista will be set up almost exactly the same way. And yes, it’ll be $20 instead of the normal 2450 simpoints you see for worlds.


Another question I saw circulating around was whether people could gift Monte Vista. Unfortunately, at this time you can’t. I’m bummed about it as well, but hopefully we can make that change in the future (it would be awhile).


All right, more screenshots below: 🙂


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