University: Traits, Lifetime Wishes & Rewards

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I have had a few requests from players to post the traits, lifetime wishes and rewards from University. Since I’m currently taking a break from guide writing, I thought it would be a nice Sunday gift for those who asked. Enjoy! 🙂

New Traits


Avant Garde – Avant Garde Sims know what’s art and what’s not, and don’t mind letting others know. It’s tough to please an Avant Garde type! Avant Garde Sims will benefit in the pursuit of a Fine Arts Degree from Sims University.




Irresistible – Irresistible Sims are quite charming, although often times they may get more than they asked for! Dates will be easy to find and others will flock to socialize with them, because they’re just so irresistible!



Socially Awkward – Socially awkward Sims try to fit in, but sometimes say the wrong thing and the wrong time. It’s not easy being socially awkward, but it sure is awkward!



Lifetime Wishes


Blog Artist – A successful blogger captivates their audience and leaves them yearning for the next post. It’s not easy to combine witty observations and impeccable timing, but someone’s gotta keep the netizens entertained. The one who does will earn the title of Blog Artist.


(Reach level 10 in the Social Networking Skill and create a Five Star Blog)




Major Master – For some, there is no limit to the amount of learning they can endure and the thrill of class is enough to keep earning degrees. They are called Major Masters. With a bag full of books and a caffeinated drink at hand, they’re a university warrior ready to learn.

(Earn three degrees)




Perfect Student – Earning a university degree is an accomplishment all in itself. But to earn one with a perfect GPA takes as much brawn as it does brains. Late nights will be spent studying and a little luck will be needed to pass exams, but it’s worth it for a perfect GPA.

(Earn a University Degree with a perfect GPA)




Reach Max Influence with All Social Groups – Being an influential Sim in one group is difficult enough, but reaching max influence across three groups? That’s a challenge any social Sim will gladly accept! It won’t be easy and there’s much schmoozing to do, but rest assured there will be comrades to be found around every corner.


(Reach Max Influence with All Social Groups)




Scientific Specialist – The universe is a mysterious place with even more mysterious rules governing it. Few can ever hope to understand such rules, but those who live vicariously by collecting and analyzing samples will earn the title of Scientific Specialist and tell the rest of us how the universe works.

(Reach level 10 in the Science Skill and reach level 10 in any Scientific, Medical, or Business Career)




Street Credible – For a street artist armed with a spray can, the world is their canvas waiting to be painted. It takes a keen eye and a steady hand to create masterful art on the walls and ground, but a street artist wouldn’t have it any other way.

(Reach level 10 of the Street Artist Skill and create 7 Masterpiece Murals)




Lifetime Happiness Rewards


Honorary Degree (50,000) – Pick a degree of your choice without attending University!




Jock Influence (2,000) – Gain a substantial amount of influence with the Jock group.




Nerd Influence (2,000) – Gain a substantial amount of influence with the Nerd group.




Rebel Influence (2,000) – Gain a substantial amount of influence with the Rebel group.



