Giveaway #8 – Sunset Blues! *Ended*

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We have a winner! Congrats to Kementari for posting the 2 photos as specified!



You will need to open a game in Sunset Valley for this contest


Get into your game and create any 5 Sims in Sunset Valley! The Sims must be aged as follows…


♦ 1 – Toddler

♦ 1 – Child

♦ 1 – Teen

♦ 1 – Adult

♦ 1 – Elder


:!: All 5 Sims must have BLACK Hair

âť— Sims can be ANY gender


After you take the Sims into your game, take ONE photo of all 5 Sims in front of the fountain in Central Park of Sunset Valley! The photo must be taken at the angle shown in the below photo, so that the police department shows in the background.





Part 2


Take all the SAME Sims back into CAS and give them the Blue Skin Tone (Any shade, just make sure I can tell it’s blue), return back to the central park fountain, and take another photo of all 5 Sims at the same angle!
Hint: Using the “testingcheatsenabled true” cheat, you can Shift + Click any Sim to take them into CAS fast.



The first person to post with the following…wins!


♦ One Photo of 5 Sims of all ages in front of the Fountain @ Central Park in Sunset Valley. (Same angle as the photo above!)

♦ One Photo of the SAME Sims with Blue Skin tone in front of the Fountain @ Central Park in Sunset Valley. (Same angle as the photo above!)


♦ Two photos, one comment!



