(Giveaway #2) Scavenger Hunt! *Ended*

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We have a winner! Congrats to Brian for coming up with the correct answers! Brian, I will be sending you an email shortly. 🙂

Contact Us: Starlight Shores
Female Store Hairs: Apaloosa Plains
Sims 3 Pets Spoilers: Shangsimla China Subhood (WA)
Sims 3 Pets Breeds: Isla Paradiso
Island Paradise Game Guide: Twinbrook


Throughout the site’s pages (look up top!) I have hidden 5 Random Photos of Sims 3 Worlds from Expansion Packs. The first person to comment with the world names and what pages they were found on, IN ONE COMMENT, wins a digital code to download The Sims 3 Seasons Expansion!



This is what you MUST reply with IN ONE COMMENT!


1) Name of the world and which page on the site you found the world photo

2) Make sure you use a valid email when commenting so I can email you with prize details!

…and FYI – Clues are not included on the Player Creations Tab/Section

