Scavenger Hunt + Name That Household! *Ended*

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We have a winner! Congrats to “ixals” for posting the correct answers first! Ixals, I will be emailing you shortly. 🙂

Sims 3 Pets Spoiler Info, Sims 3 Achievements (PC), Store Hairstyles Male – Toddler, Sims 3 Outdoor Living Stuff Game Guide. (I hope the names are correct that way)


Frio and Keaton.


Part One – Scavenger Hunt!

Throughout the site’s pages (look up top!) I have hidden 4 photos of a *REAL* Turtle! You will need to find the turtle photos and tell me on which pages exactly you found each of the four photos. 



Part Two – Name that Household!

Head into Sunset Valley and tell me The Household Name of those who live in the two pre-made homes below. Just the household name!


Screenshot-110 Screenshot-111



First Person to reply with the following IN ONE COMMENT wins Monte Vista!!


1) Name of the 4 pages on which you found the turtle photos

2) The names of the two households that live in the Sunset Valley homes shown above.

3) Make sure you use a valid email when commenting so I can email you with prize details!

…and FYI – Turtles are not included on the Player Creations Tab/Section

