Alrighty Simmers! Tonight’s festivities have come to an end, however, I am going to be setting a date soon to continue this madness! I have many more prizes to give away, but I do not have enough time to give them away tonight. It is reaching 9pm local time and I am running out of ideas. Too many gifts! 😛
I have a ton of real life stuff going on until May, so I am not sure yet when we will continue the party. I also have to finish the Sims 3 University Guide, so please bear with me while I sort everything out and figure out a date. We will continue the party, and I will give you at least a week’s notice.
Please Note: All giveaway posts from today will be dated back to March 16th & 17th, this way they are pushed to the back end of the site. All of today’s giveaways can be viewed under the “Giveaways” category.

I want to thank each and every one of you for participating in the two day party, and give you all an even bigger thanks for the support and dedication to SimsVIP. Without you guys, SimsVIP would not be a success. Thank You!
♦ HUUUUUGE thanks to The Sims 3 UK for providing all the official Sims 3 Merchandise.
♦ Thanks our reader Donna for donating The Sims 3 University Life Expansion
♦ Thanks to our reader Steph for hosting a wishlist giveaway
♦ Thanks to Platinum Simmers for hosting a wishlist giveaway
♦ Thanks to our reader Peter who donated a 70’s, 80’s & 90’s Stuff Pack.