SimGuruTing Discusses Underwater Activities in Island Paradise

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Via The Sims 3 Community Blog


Hi There!

I’m SimGuruTing, one of the Assistant Producers on The Sims 3 team currently working on the next expansion pack, The Sims 3 Island Paradise.

Those of us working on the game can’t wait to let you guys get your hands on our new expansion pack. With new activities for Sims to do along the coastline and in the ocean, The Sims 3 Island Paradise is full of features surrounding the idea of the island lifestyle. Here’s a bit of a sneak peek of what you can expect in this upcoming pack!


Island Paradise Beach Relaxing

The beach has been integrated in order to accommodate a new coastal life of relaxation. Sims can lounge around on beach towels and enjoy the sun while relaxing by the sea. When it’s time be more energetic, Sims can play in the ocean, splash around in the water and splash each other! Treasure seekers can snorkel in the water too and may discover unique items that were once lost.

Island Paradise Beach Relaxing 2
Also new to the beach is the Lifeguard Career. Lifeguards are the sworn protectors of the beaches they watch over. While on duty, a Lifeguard’s job is to survey the beach for any swimming Sims in need of assistance. When a Sim is struggling at sea, the Lifeguard races to the rescue, helping drowning Sims back to shore and performing CPR if needed. However, not all alerts are real emergencies; some Sims may be inclined to “fake it” in order to get some one-on-one time with the Lifeguard on duty. But I’ve never heard the Lifeguard complain – it is quite the admired role.

Island Paradise Life Guard
By far, my favorite new feature is the ability to scuba dive! The ocean is no longer just for traveling across, now Sims can dive below! The Sims 3 Island Paradise Expansion Pack comes with a world that has exclusive dive spots. Sims with the new scuba diving skill can visit and explore the underwater surroundings where there is lots to discover. Each dive spot is rich in beautiful sea life, from the many corals and kelps that grow from the ocean floor to the fish that you can catch! But watch out for those sharks! I hear they bite and can be pretty nasty about it too.


Island Paradise Underwater Fun
In addition to the rich sea life, hidden away in many dive lots are treasure chests and underwater caves where many surprises await! What will a scuba divers’ scavenging reveal? Unique treasures? An uncharted island? Or an encounter with a mysterious monster?

Island Paradise Underwater Fun 2
And this is only a portion of what you can expect with this new expansion pack! We can’t wait to read about your Sims’ adventures above and under the sea when The Sims 3 Island Paradise comes out this June!

Thanks for reading!

Theresa Chen, The Sims 3 Assistant Producer

