The Next Generation of Sims is Coming. I’m Ecstatic

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The Sims 4 is coming, and I am way too excited for my own good. This post will contain some babbles about my excitement, as well as what I look forward to/want the most.


The Sims 4. How amazing is this!? I’m not sure about anyone else, but I am beyond stoked for The Sims 4. Over the last 2 years, I have grown terribly bored with The Sims 3, and I’m not sure why! Seasons sparked my interest again recently, and Island Paradise is a must have, but I am ready for the next generation of Sims.



Sim Texture/Graphics

Even though the Artwork released today is a very early look, I am hoping the “more realistic-ish” aspect of the new Sims in the artwork remains. I am not by any means hoping for super duper realistic Sims, but I do want to see a less cartoon-ish Sim in The Sims 4.

I’m hoping for something along the lines of this Lara Croft image from Tomb Raider, with a sprinkle of the “cartoon” graphics shown in The Sims 4 render.

3d view tomb raider lara croft 2500x3535 wallpaper_www.wallpaperhi.com_48



When it comes to Create-a-Sim, I have one request: Create a Ghost. Please! One of my favorites Sims 3 features was the ability to create ghosts with Supernatural. I love ghosts, they are my favorite lifestate, and I want this ability right off the bat.
Another feature I want to see in Create-a-Sim is the ability to use makeup freely. I basically want the ability to smear lipstick, eye shadow, blush, etc, wherever I want on a Sim. I don’t want the “pre-made” makeup “sections”. I want to smear it all over their faces in needed. 😛
Height sliders? Yes please! Breast Sliders, yes please! Butt sliders? Yes please!
The final feature I want is a ton of skin colors. Different shades of every color that exists. There is no reason at this point for something like skin colors to be limited. This is Sims 4, make it happen!
Other than the above mentioned Create-a-Sim requests, I want everything that exists currently in The Sims 3 (custom designs, colors, etc), but with lots more customization options available from the get go.


Infants with Legs

Do I even need to go into detail on this? I think not. 😛

Game Engine

We still don’t know if the game engine will be updated for The Sims 4, but in the year 2014, I would hope EA ups the ante. I know that the game caters to a majority base that has less than minimum specs at times, but we need a boost in graphics. Please!
I was looking around at different game engines, and while CryEngine is neat, it is a bit too realistic at times. Browsing around the internet a few weeks ago, I ran into Unity3D. Not only does this game engine provide the realism I’m looking for, it also has the “cartoon” aspect I want to keep.
One of the latest games using this engine is RedFrame Game. Below is a bunch of screenshots found on their website, and they display the perfect balance of realism and “fantasy”. If you have the time, check out this great article by Unity3D on RedFrame Game.

Again, sprinkle with a little “cartoon”!

redframe1 redframe4 redframe6 redframe3 pool redframe5


Other Bits

The little things count. I would love to have a bit more realism in the game when it comes to objects. One example would be power cords on electronics, and electrical outlets. It may be far fetched, but I like the realism it adds to the game.

Look a power cord!


Appliances. Please give me more appliances! Toasters, Blenders, Kettles, Slow Cookers…the works! I love cooking and gardening, and want the kitchen to take the spotlight at home.
Clutter! Please oh please add a ton of clutter to the game. Examples of clutter I would like to see are best showcased at SimCredible Designs. There’s also tons of examples here.


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I could go on for days about what I want, but everything mentioned here in this post are the “most wanted” for me. Of course everyone has different opinions and requests, so please feel free to share your thoughts here as well.
I am truly looking forward to the new Sims series, and cannot wait to learn more about the game. This August we are invited to EA Redwood for a first look at The Sims 4, and I’m super excited to be able and share this experience with all of you. Bring it on Sims 4! :mrgreen:
