Origin’s Exclusive Island Paradise Pre-Order Content

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*UPDATE* It has been confirmed via Origin that the “Carnaval Costumes Pack” is indeed the Origin exclusive pre-order bonus for Island Paradise.

ONLY ON ORIGIN: Order The Sims 3 Island Paradise Expansion Pack and you’ll get the exclusive Carnaval Costumes Pack, featuring two new outfits to make your island getaway even more festive!




Our reader Benji sent us over a screenshot of what may be some extra bonus content coming with an Island Paradise Pre-Order from Origin. As he went to pre-order Island Paradise from Origin Brazil, two extra bonus packs were placed into his cart.
The first one is obviously the Limited Edition survival pack, however, the 2nd pack is yet to be announced. According to the photo provided by Benji, the bonus content is as follows:


♦ Island Paradise Limited Edition Survival Pack

♦ Carnival Costumes Pack

♦ Collection of Free Sims 3 Bonus Objects to release with Island Paradise Free Stuff Pack Promo

Captura de Tela 2013-05-14 às 14.30.49

