SF Magazine Interviews SimGuruGraham

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SF Magazine sat down earlier (virtually of course) with The Sims 3 Producer Graham Nardone (Simgurugraham) and had a brief chat about the franchises latest expansion pack; The Sims 3 – Island Paradise. (Set to be released June 25, 2013)
Personally, I think this is the EP that I have been anticipating the most, as it not only features quite a few “novel” game features for the franchise, but because it also brings back some of the game play from one of my favorite The Sims 2 EP’s: “Open for Business”.
After some minor technical fussing, Graham and I jumped right in…What follows is a brief transcript and/or description of what transpired at today’s Skype meeting.
SF MAGAZINE: Before we get into the nitty gritty [of things], can you tell us about yourself and your role in the development of The Sims 3 – Island Paradise?
SIMGURUGRAHAM: Sure thing! I’m Graham Nardone, one of the producers on the Sims 3 – Island Paradise. My big focus on this expansion was the houseboats – I got really in depth on them and helped guide them from concept to finish, which was a really exciting and challenging process.
As you might imagine, taking one of the existing lots in The Sims 3 and making it move around the world is quite the interesting trick **insert smiley**



