WARNING: Fake “The Sims 4 Beta” Sites

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Hackers will do just about anything to get you to download malware onto your PC. This includes creating fake “The Sims 4 Beta” sites to lure you in. Please beware of any sites claiming to have a beta version of The Sims 4 available for download. So far, there are two sites I have seen, and one of them is a spitting image of TheSims.com.


The links below are provided for your knowledge. Please be aware that the websites listed below may contain malicious coding and/or viruses. SimsVIP is not responsible for any damages incurred, should you proceed to the websites.
♦ http://sims4beta.blogspot.com/


♦ http://thesims4beta.com/ 

♦ https://www.facebook.com/Sims4Beta


There are no official Sims 4 beta sites, so please do not download anything, or give out any information to these sites. Any information regarding a Beta (if any) would come directly from EA themselves. Please do not fall for these scam sites!
