SimGuruGraham’s Guide to Houseboats

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SimGuruSemediHouseboats! They’re awesome, versatile, and totally fun… but they can also be tricky, especially when adding one to a world other than Isla Paradiso. Thankfully you’ve come to the right place.

This guide will answer every question you ever had regarding houseboats (and many that you didn’t!), inform you as to what you can actually do with them (nearly everything!), and take you through a step by step tutorial explaining how to build one in Edit Town or in Create a World.


Your feedback is welcome and encouraged! If you have questions please ask, and if you see any inaccurate information please let me know so I can fix it.

This guide is split into easy to follow sections: 
• FAQ – All questions regarding Houseboats answered.

• Edit Town Tutorial – How to add a houseboat to a world using the in-game editing tools.

• CAW Tutorial – How to build a custom world with the Create a World tool that has houseboats.

This guide is currently a work in progress. Remaining work to be done includes (but is not limted to):

• Organize the FAQ section so that the questions aren’t all in a random order.

• Write the CAW tutorial.

This guide will give you info on just about everything you need to know regarding houseboats, but it doesn’t 100% cover every possible situation you can encounter in-game. I’ll continue to update the thread if any other important questions need to be answered, or if any information is discovered to be inaccurate.



